

University of Warsaw

Faculty of Management

Anna Kuźmińska


Anna Kuzminska is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw, Poland. She holds a PhD degree in Economics in the area of Management (University of Warsaw, Poland) and an MA degree in Social Psychology (University SWPS, Warsaw, Poland). Her research interests include the cross-cultural variations in correlates of job satisfaction; social and organizational effects of nonhierarchical forms of management; interpersonal trust; metamorphic effects of power; influence of money on interpersonal behavior; and the process of habituation to various, psychologically meaningful stimuli.

Fields of interests

Power and Leadership, Trust, Social Cognition, Job satisfaction, Job fit

Proposition of common research in GETM3

The proposed research aims to investigate the moderating role of cultural values and practices on the relationship between job satisfaction and emotions experienced at work and

– the level of fit between preferred activity style (e.g. meticulousness, simultaneity, routinization) and temperament (reactivity) to the characteristics of performed job,

– as well as the level of perceived fulfilment of the expectations of important others.

The role of fit between employee’s temperament and activity style to performed job on job satisfaction and emotional wellbeing was previously observed in Poland (Jeska, 2016; Krol, in print). Individuals with low-energy resources, undertaking activities mismatched with their temperament and activity styles (Wieczorkowska-Nejtardt, 1998; e.g. highly reactive persons that engage in multitasking) might experience high psychological costs, negative emotions, and lower job satisfaction.

However, this relationship might depend on the cultural values and practices. For example, for the more interdependent societies (e.g. South Korea, Japan) it might be more important to adapt to the standards of society and important others rather than to pursue and express individual preferences (e.g. Kitayama, 2016). For this reason, the proposed research aims at investigating whether the results on the person-job fit (with regards to temperament and activity styles) obtained in the Western societies are applicable to other cultural contexts.

Important Publications

  • Kuzminska, A. (2016). Third variable effects in management studies. Problemy Zarządzania, 14(2)
  • Wierzbinski, J., Kuzminska, A. (2016). Comparability problems of international survey data: The example of Japan and Italy. Problemy Zarządzania, 14(2)
  • Maliszewski, N, Kuźmińska, A., Wieczorkowska-Wierzbińska, G., Werner-Maliszewska, A. (2014). The impact of explicit and implicit power motivation on educational choices. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 45(3).
  • Wieczorkowska-Wierzbińska, G., Wierzbiński, J., Kuźmińska, A. (2014). Porównywalność danych zebranych w różnych krajach [Comparability of survey data collected in different countries]. Psychologia Społeczna 2(29).
  • Kuźmińska, A. (2014). Konsekwencje aktywizacji kategorii związanych z władzą i pieniędzmi [The effects of the activation of power and money categories]. Problemy Zarządzania, 12(1).
  • Wierzbiński, J., Król, G., Kuźmińska, A. (2014). Konsekwencje wyboru typu skali odpowiedzi w badaniach ankietowych [Consequences of using different types of rating scales]. Problemy Zarządzania, 12(1).
  • Wieczorkowska-Wierzbińska, G., Kuźmińska, A. (2012). Zmieniona osobowość menedżerów [Changed personality of the managers]. In Klincewicz, K. & Grzywacz, W. (Ed.) Rozwój potencjału społecznego organizacji – wyzwania w XXI wieku. Warsaw: WN WZ
  • Dobrzyński, M., Kacprzak – Choińska, A., Grzywacz, W., Kuźmińska, A., Ochinowski, T., Pawłowska, A. (2012). Niepewna praca jako wynik elastycznego zarządzania [Job uncertainty as an outcome of flexible management], In Wiatrak, A. (Ed.), Aktualne problemy zarządzania – teoria i praktyka, Warsaw: WN WZ, 273-287.