

University of Warsaw

Faculty of Management, Chair of Entrepreneurship and management systems

Beata Glinka


General Information

Beata Glinka is a professor of economics (prof. dr hab.), has over 15 years of experience in teaching and research. Her research efforts focus on cultural context of management and entrepreneurship. She is interested in relations between culture and management: how managerial and entrepreneurial practices and education is shaped by culture, and how managerial practices influence cultural symbols and values .

Professional Experience

  • 2016 – now: Vice Dean for Research and Liaison, the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw
  • 2016 – now, Member of the Polish Academy of Science, Committee for Organisation and Management Science
  • 2017 – now, Member of the Central Committee for Scientific Degrees and Tiles
  • 2016 – now: vice director of the Centre for Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw;
  • 2014 – 2016: director of the Centre for Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw.

Selected Research Experiences, Grants/Research projects

Beata Glinka designed several research projects connected with her main fields of expertise. In her research she uses mainly qualitative methods (in some cases supplemented by quantitative research). In 2011/2012 she was awarded a Fulbright research grant to investigate immigrant entrepreneurship and its intercultural context (Polish immigrants in the USA). Currently she is a leader in a National Science Centre grant on entrepreneurship of immigrants from the Far East in Poland. Her previous research concentrated on evolving cultural context of entrepreneurship in Poland. She investigated the role of cultural heritage, education and other factors in forming conditions for entrepreneurial actions.

She has experience in international research projects.

Fields of interests

Entrepreneurship, immigrant entrepreneurship, cultural context of entrepreneurship and management, Organization theory,

Proposition of common research in GETM3

Important Publications

Selected publications:

  • Beata Glinka (2017) Przedsiębiorcze społeczeństwo (Entrepreneurial socjety), Zarządzanie i przedsiębiorczość, vol. XVIII, no 12, cz.2, s. 9-24.
  • Beata Glinka, Przemysław Hensel (2017) Reforms and identities: How relentless pursuit of improvements produces a sense of helplessness among bureaucrats,  Journal of Organizational Change Management 30(2):142-160.
  • Jacek Pasieczny, Beata Glinka  (2016) Organizational Dysfunctions: sources and Areas, EBER, vol. 4, no.4, 213-223 (DOI: 10.15678/EBER.2016.040413)
  • Beata Glinka, Jacek Pasieczny (2015) Tworzenie przedsiębiorstwa. Szanse, realizacja, rozwój. (New venture creation: opportunity, implementation, development) Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
  • Beata Glinka, Agnieszka Brzozowska (2015) „Immigrant Entrepreneurs: in Search of Identity” EBER, vol. 3, no. 3. s. 51-76
  • Beata Glinka (2015) „Przedsiębiorczość i kultura” („Entrepreneurship and Culture”), Zarządzanie w  kulturze, vol.16, n.1, p. 1- 13.
  • Agnieszka Brzozowska, Beata Glinka, Agnieszka Postuła (2014)  “Role of University in Creating Entrepreneurial Attitudes” Horizons of education, vol. 13 No 26, p. 51-72.
  • Beata Glinka, Tojo Thatchenkery  (2012) “The Social Construction of Entrepreneurs, Success, and Wealth: A Case Study of Management Students’ Perceptions from Three Different Cultural Contexts” in: GD Sardana i T. Thatchenkery (ed.) Reframing human capital for organizational excellence. London, New Delhi, New York, Sydney: Bloomsbury. p. 379 – 396.
  • Beata Glinka, Adam Jelonek (eds.)(2010) Zarządzanie Międzykulturowe. (Intercultural Management) Cracow: Jagiellonian University Publishers.
  • Beata Glinka (2008) Kulturowe uwarunkowania przedsiębiorczości w Polsce (The cultural context of entrepreneurship in Poland), Warsaw: PWE.