Management Team & Researcher


University of Warsaw

Faculty of Management, Department of Marketing

Katarzyna Dziewanowska


Katarzyna Dziewanowska is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw. She has been actively involved in work on Polish qualifications framework for universities, as well as accreditation processes. She is also a leader of a work-package dedicated to students and graduate development in the Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management 3 project (GETM3) financed by the European Commission within H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016 funding scheme.

Katarzyna’s research interests focus on relationship marketing, consumer experience, co-creation of value and academic entrepreneurship. Currently, she is involved in a research project focused on the process of value co-creation in the higher education sector, with particular emphasis on two main groups of participants of the system: students and professors.

Fields of interests

Marketing, value co-creation, consumer behaviour, academic entrepreneurship

Proposition of common research in GETM3

Student experience and co-creation of value among university stakeholders (students, HEIs and employers)

Important Publications

  • Zupan N., Pearce A., Dziewanowska K. (2017), Wanting it all: the challenges of managing young talent in transition economies, Baltic Journal of Management. 12, 1, s. 63-85. (15)
  • Dziewanowska, K. (2017), Value Types in Higher Education – Students’ Perspective, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 39, 3, s. 1-12.
  • Dziewanowska, K. (2017). Dimensions of brand commitment – case of higher education. Marketing i Zarządzanie, 1 (47), 173‒181. DOI: 10.18276/miz.2017.47-16
  • Dziewanowska K. (2017), Współtworzenie i współniszczenie wartości, czyli wady i zalety współpracy z klientem (Value Co-Creation and Co-destruction – Pros and Cons of Cooperation with Customers), Studia Ekonomiczne. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach, nr 328, s. 9-17.
  • Dziewanowska (2017), Zajęcia dydaktyczne jako element procesu współtworzenia wartości na uczelni – perspektywa studenta i wykładowcy (Classes as an Element of Value Co-Creation Process at the University – Student’s and Instructor’s Perspective), Handel Wewnętrzny 5(370), s. 121-129. (12)
  • Dziewanowska, K., Pearce, A., Zupan, N. (2016), Generation Y’s expectations regarding their future employment relationships posit a challenge for their employers, Journal of Human Resource Management, 2016/1, ISSN 2453-7683, s.1-12.
  • Dziewanowska, K. (2015), Dimensions of Real and Virtual Consumer Experiences, UW Faculty of Management Working Papers Series, 9 (4).
  • Dziewanowska K., Kacprzak A., Skorek M. (2015), Value in shopping experiences in the perception of Polish consumers, International Journal of Business Performance Management, Special Issue on Organization Management Through Value for the Customer, vol. 16, nos. 2/3, s. 149-168.